Dear future wife
You'll need to learn if you want to have
Allah's pleasure in the Afterlife
Dear future wife
Don't worry about anniversaries
Cos I'll give you gift every day, you see
You don't have to be the perfect wife
Just the best wife that you can be
Dear future wife
You gotta know to respect me as a man
When I'm home from work feeling tired
Greet me with a smile and let me rest
Don't ask me questions like it's a test
Dear future wife
Don't be too unreasonable
And make me angry
I'd hate for you to be cursed by the angels
because of something silly
Dear future wife
You're beautiful to me
And I don't say it, please
I'll just stare at you
And quickly look away when you notice
Dear future wife
I would rather you be patient
As I try to be patient with you
Be grateful for whatever Allah provides us with
And know that a happily ever after is a myth
We'll work hard at it you see
And that tranquility and peace in the family
Is what I would hope for
As we work together for the pleasure of Allah
-Khairy Farhan
Sorry Nis. I just had to.
Edit: Additional of the last stanza